Top 20 Rising Real Estate Podcasts of 2020

The real estate market continues to be the #1 strategy for smart investors, and more than ever, more aspiring entrepreneurs are heading into the real-estate field. The idea of being your own boss is addicting and tempting. Real estate can offer you the flexibility you need, with the profits to make a nice living, IF you do it right. The IF is really important, because real estate can be hit or miss. Even HGTV has an entire niche of shows called “Flip or Flop” that focuses on the rewards and pitfalls of real estate investments. 

Before diving into real estate headfirst, it is important that you are well-versed in the field and have a solid base. This will help you avoid a lot of mistakes, and put you on the right track that much faster. Below, are the top 20 real estate podcasts that will help you do just that!


1. Target Market Insights: Marketing + Multifamily 

Join host John Casmon on his podcast, Multifamily + Marketing. Multifamily + Marketing is really geared towards those looking to invest in apartment buildings for multiple families. Apartments can be a huge investment, especially compared to single-family investments. However, don’t fret! John Casmon is here to give you all the information that you need to know. He speaks with other multifamily marketing investors so you are getting multiple perspectives on this, potentially very lucrative, investment niche. 

He also ties in marketing, considering marketing is a huge component of real estate. If you don’t advertise your buildings, then who will know about them? Don’t get so caught up in the business side of things that you neglect this very important facet of the real-estate business. John Casmon will give you all this information and more. 

Check out the episode “From Handyman to $1.5 Billion in Multifamily with Alvin Hope Johnson”. 

You can also subscribe to Casmon’s podcast by clicking here.  


2. The Investor Mindset

The Investor Mindset is hosted by Steve Pesavento. His highly rated (5-Stars to be exact) podcast tells you what you need to know about investing and multiple-stream incomes. Investing can be scary, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. However, you also have to get over this fear if you ever want to make it in real estate investment. 

This is the perfect podcast for business professionals who just want a second, passive income or those who are extremely invested in learning about real estate. Join Steve, an active real estate investor who has raised over $10 million in single family and commercial real estate investments, in speaking about all things real-estate investments. Join all the listeners who learn the secrets to being successful in such a tough environment! 

Check out the episode “The Hands-Off Investor” with Brain Burke. Then click here to subscribe on Apple Podcast! 


3.  The Capital Raiser Show 

The Capital Raiser Show is hosted by Ruben Greth. This, too, is a high rated podcast where listeners can learn all about the best ways to raise private money for multifamily syndication and other real estate investments. Greth interviews several syndicators and asks how they raised the funds for their deals; their tactics and what worked versus what didn’t. 

The guests have varied backgrounds, from multifamily syndicators, to securities lawyers. You will not be lacking in information when you are working on raising the money for those larger investments. 

Watch “Kim Lisa Taylor, Esq. Fund Creation and Fund Structures” and then make sure you subscribe!


4. Real Estate Investor Goddess 

Monick Halm is the host for Real Estate Investor Goddess. On this podcast, she interviews women who have really figured out their way around real estate. Sometimes real estate investments can be kind of a boys club. Well, these guest speakers will empower women to be able to make these financial decisions by themselves and create their own real estate empire. 

However, this podcast isn’t exclusive to just interviews about real estate. This is just a live conversation where the topic can flow to pleasure, investing, money mindset, and anything else. 

Check out “Making Millions One Rental At a Time: Interview with REI Mom, Anna Kelly”. 

You can then head over to subscribe to the podcast


5. Micro Empires Podcast

The Micro Empires podcast is hosted by Jennifer Grimson. Grimson is a single mother, who in her 40s, felt like she needed to make a change, and fast. She had absolutely no investments, assets, or a retirement plan, but still needed to support her two children. This happened to her two times, and the second, she decided to start building “small empires”. After about 4 years, she had $1.4m in income and wants to share her knowledge with you. 

In this podcast, Grimson will walk you through how she continued on her pursuit to financial independence. She has learned her way through the business, and now wants to teach listeners out there who are eager to learn. Here is an episode of hers called “Elevating Women to Success by Ashley Wilson”. After you listen, don’t forget to push that subscribe button! 


6. Dan on Top 

Dan Lewkowicz is your real estate vet who is giving listeners three episodes a week so they can learn all things commercial real estate. Commercial real estate is different from private entities and can be a much bigger struggle…if you don’t do it right. Avoid the mistakes that many have already made for you by listening to this podcast! The short, 15-25 minute podcasts are perfect for your commute to work, or a stroll outside. Combine life with learning as you check out his interview with Treger Strasberg and Humble Design, who have done a lot of work to help with the homeless population. You can subscribe to his show here


7. Diary of an Apartment Investor 

Dear Diary, I want to make a million dollars by next week!” JK, We wish it worked like that. However, Brian Briscoe can help put you on the right path. You might not be able to hit the million dollar mark in just one week…however, with a lot of grit and a little direction, you’ll be right on your way. Briscoe covers a lot of information, including how to passively invest or commit fully to the field, and episodes where he brings in outside sources to give different outlooks on the realm of investing. 

If you’re looking for any information on real estate investing, apartment syndication, multifamily investor, or anything related to multi-family streams of income, then this is the podcast for you. Here’s his episode “ATE – Creating Systems to Scale in Apartment Investing with Joseph Bramante and Heshel Mangel” and then subscribe to this great show. 


8. Real Estate Investing for Women 

Another great podcast for the women out there looking to invest. Moneeka Sawyer is a multi-million dollar real estate investor while working only 5 hours a month. She is hoping to share her secrets to “Blissful Wealth” with other women looking to build a real-estate empire. Bringing in experts from around the country with various levels of expertise, you will learn how to start your business, and maintain it. 

In her show, she offers lessons on great investment strategies, as well as how to get the mindset and heartset to enjoy the real estate journey. There are ups and downs, and if you’re not prepared for them, then you will probably be knocked down more than succeed. Learn how to get your mind right for a potentially profitable field. Listen to “Getting Rid of the Fear: Lessons From a Real Live Real Estate Investor With Anna Scheller”. You can subscribe to her podcast on Apple Podcasts as well!  


9. Purchase to Profits 

Purchase to Profits is another great podcast that you have got to put on your radar. Host Seth Ferguson acknowledges that there is a difference in the path that successful realtors take than those who are not so successful. He wants to share these tips with you so you can be one of the success stories of real estate. Learn how to set goals, source deals, and negotiate with this podcast. 

There are a lot of interpersonal skills required to be a good real estate investor. You can try to figure it out, or you can listen to Seth Ferguson and his guests on your morning commute. Here is “Over 1100 Units Portfolio with Joseph Bramante”. Then you can hop over to Apple Podcast to subscribe to his channel there.