Our guest today is Jonathan Twombly, multifamily investor and founder of Two Bridges Asset Management LLC. In this episode, we talk about the current market, how to put together a successful deal, and how to elevate your investing game. Tune in and you’ll walk away with deeper insights into today’s market and the best ways to grow your investment portfolio.
Learn more about Jonathan and his journey at reiclarity.com!
“You’re either dealing with a market where everybody is crazy for real estate and it’s easy to raise money but hard to find deals, or the other way around, where it’s easy to find deals, but very hard to find the money.”
Jonathan had a successful career as a lawyer in New York. He was always interested in real estate investing so when he lost his job after the financial crisis in 2011, he decided to jump into it full time. He started a syndication business with a partner who had more experience and his first deal was a 104-unit apartment building.
Jonathan’s advice on how to create more stability regardless of the current market:
- Always plan for the downside. Don’t just think about how much money you can make, but also how you could survive if the market takes a turn for the worst.
- Have a strategy for vacancies. See how far down you could go before you’re at breakeven with your debt and evaluate the risk.
- Build a good team around you.
“There are no more emerging markets, everything is overvalued. What you should be looking for is markets with hidden value.”
Jonathan talks about the current real estate market. It’s difficult to find good deals, however, people are willing to overpay for properties.
Even though we have a tough market right now, Jonathan still believes in multifamily investing. He shares his best pieces of advice on how to get in the game and find good deals.
- Adjust your expectations. Have a long-term strategy, rather than just thinking about making money fast.
- Be very strategic. Think about what markets are out of favor right now.
- Instead of emerging markets look for overlooked markets with hidden value.
Jonathan raises a lot of capital. He shares his method of attracting an audience.
- Create a platform that allows you to speak to a lot of people at the same time. This could be a podcast, Youtube channel, or Facebook Group.
- Invite people to your email list.
- Provide additional content and education to these people to build a relationship with them.
- When you have a deal, offer it to your engaged mailing list.
“You don’t have to have a billion dollars under management. You can do it at a much, much lower level and still have a different life and not have to work all the time.”
At the end of the episode, Jonathan picks action steps from the REI Clarity Framework that is the most valuable to him. These are “Find the Money” and “Build Your Team”.
According to Jonathan, raising money is a big stumbling block for many new investors. He suggests educating yourself on how to correctly raise money and building a good network and team.
Mentioned in the show:
- Multifamily Investment Community Facebook Group
- His LinkedIn
- https://twobridgesmgmt.com/
- www.shineinsurance.com/reiclarity
- The REI Clarity Framework
Learn how to grow your portfolio and reach incredible success the right way! Visit us here for everything you need to know: www.shineinsurance.com/reiclarity.
Special thanks to Jonathan Twombly for taking the time to share so many great insights with us
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