Welcome to the CRE Clarity Podcast with Jeremy Goodrich. Our guest today is Micah Walje, a project developer, with more than 20 years of construction experience. In our conversation, we’ll explore the best ways to resolve weather damage in your properties, how to find the right contractors for your deals, and why networking is key to building a successful business.
Learn more about Micah and his story at creclarity.com!
“The only way I would hire an out-of-town person to do my claim or repair is if they were working in conjunction or partnership with a local contractor.“
Micah has more than 20 years of construction experience. At the beginning of the conversation, he shares his best piece of advice on how to get weather damage resolved correctly.
- Don’t start any work until everyone agrees! This means getting written estimates from both your contractor and your insurance company. These estimates should detail the scope of work, dollar value, and what will be covered by insurance.
- Hire local contractors to ensure that the work is done on time and that you can follow up with them later if needed.
“If you don’t have a good reputation for paying your trades or your subcontractors, that says a lot about all the other operational components of your business.”
Micah started his career in residential construction, then he shifted toward tenant improvement work, construction, defect repair, CapEx, and deferred maintenance.
Micah shares the key elements property owners and developers should consider when hiring contractors.
- Their financial capability and bonding stability.
- Their transparency in the estimating process.
- If they had previous legal issues and how they got resolved.
Micah’s advice for a successful development project is to always work with a team with experience in the building type you’re developing.
“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want.”
Micah is an excellent networker. He enjoys listening to people and connect them. He explains why building trust is crucial in business. People won’t hire you for a bigger project unless they know, like, and trust you, and understand your process.
Toward the end of the conversation, Micah shares what he’s most excited about in his business currently. He’s eager to scale and expand his company to new markets. However, he’s also keeping an eye on the housing shortage and multifamily mortgage situation.
Finally, Micah shares one point of clarity with the listeners – practice servant leadership; put others before yourself and go out of your way to help somebody anytime you can, without an expectation of return.
About our Guest, Micah Walje
Micah Walje is the project development manager for Ronco Construction headquartered in Omaha, Neb. Based out of the Kansas City, Mo. office, Walje focuses on business development, assisting preconstruction and project management for opportunities in the Kansas City metro market. Walje has more than 20 years of construction experience, with expertise in managing projects, leading business development efforts, and ensuring customer satisfaction through superior service and communication.
Mentioned in the show:
- His LinkedIn
- His Instagram
- www.contractorsclosersconnections.com
- www.shineinsurance.com/reiclarity
- The REI Clarity Framework
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Special thanks to Micah Walje for taking the time to share so many great insights with us
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Show produced by Eni Horvath