Welcome to the CRE Clarity Podcast with Jeremy Goodrich. Our guest today is Tammy Sutton, a managing partner of Quattro Capital. In this episode, we discuss navigating the current multifamily market, building high-performing GP teams, and the surprising power of philanthropy in real estate. You don’t want to miss out on this conversation!
Learn more about Tammy and her story at creclarity.com!
“It’s really easy to drop balls if you don’t have all the hats in place in your business.”
Growing up in a second-generation real estate family, Tammy was exposed to the world of single-family investing from a young age. However, she worked as a teacher until 2019 when her career path took a turn. She transitioned into the family business, taking over the single-family operations from her sister.
In 2020, Tammy made another exciting move, venturing into multifamily investing. This led to her becoming the managing partner at Quattro Capital. She explains that the company is thriving because of the strong team they built and how this resulted in managing an impressive nearly $200M portfolio.
“One of the hardest things when you are getting started is raising that capital,”
Tammy shares her insight on how to get into the commercial real estate world without capital. Quattro Capital collaborates with aspiring investors who have a good deal but don’t have the right team yet. Finding a good deal is often the best way to break into the industry and build your knowledge base.
According to Tammy, the multifamily industry experienced a period of significant growth between 2020 and 2022. However, in 2024, the focus has shifted towards protecting assets and the investors’ money. She shares how rising insurance costs and renovation expenses are impacting business plans. Despite the challenges, she has optimism for the future.
“The philanthropy side of Quattro Capital is truly what motivates us to keep doing well.”
Tammy is a philanthropist. Her company established the Quattro Giving Fund which supports causes like veteran housing, human trafficking initiatives, foster care programs, and shelter and housing solutions. They are working with different organizations through donations from their investors.
Toward the end of the conversation, Tammy shares what she’s most excited about in the industry currently. She anticipates a return to normalcy with interest rates, which will create more opportunities in real estate investing.
Finally, Tammy shares one point of clarity with the listeners – Real estate’s a long game. Quit worrying about the right now. Navigate through the waters, there is a horizon out there and that’s your end game.
About our Guest, Tammy Sutton
Tammy Sutton serves as a Managing Partner at Quattro Capital, overseeing Transitions and Operations.
Renowned for her organized, positive, and responsive nature, Tammy navigates the diverse personalities within operations with an adept and authentic touch. Her exceptional multitasking skills and creative vision contribute significantly to Quattro Capital’s marketing needs. Moreover, Tammy’s passion for multifamily investing and commitment to improving living environments for families and communities seamlessly align with Quattro’s ethos. Her unparalleled mastery of operations truly embodies the essence of a master conductor, which has earned her the nickname ‘The Maestro’.
Mentioned in the show:
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Special thanks to Tammy Sutton for taking the time to share so many great insights with us
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Show produced by Eni Horvath